Notes on Release 1.2.0

Release date: 2021-12-15

General notes on this version: This release includes new features and bug fixes.

Here are the specifics you’ll see in this release:

  • added the ability to make images “zoomable”
  • added the ability to change image dimensions using click and drag or setting a numeric percentage of column width
  • added the ability to cut, copy, and paste images within a PeBL and across PeBLs
  • added the ability to cut, copy, and paste interactions within a PeBL and across PeBLs
  • fixed the search in the authoring app
  • fixed a bug in grouping radio buttons
  • fixed a bug with deleting PeBLs from the library
  • updated interface for Guided Evaluation interactions
  • added the ability to remove LRS credentials from the Library Settings section of