Hi peeps!
I’m Meg, just checking out this whole forum thing hope you all have a happy holiday!
Hi Meg! What (or who) brought you to PeBL?
Judy! hehe
She described it as a e-book development tool expressly made for learning/training development (something to that effect anyway), which sounds pretty cool. I had been deeply embedded in a project of making a mobile app tool for our sales reps to use in the operating room, using Adobe Experience Manager and then beginning to transition to SiteCore. The project got axed though, so just exploring for the sake of general interest at the moment
I’m so glad you’re here, Meg!
Nice! I love those times when you can explore to explore!
I’m so glad you’re here not just because I’m always glad to see you, but also because I’ve been meaning to ask what app you used for the project that you presented last year at DevLearn. Two birds!
LOL Good to “see” you too!!
yeah it was Adobe Experience Manager, but they were ending the service, so we were switching to Site Core (we also were able to do more stuff that we wanted to do, and have more control that way). I’m super bummed we’re not doing it anymore because I think it was valuable, but no one asked me!
It was a really cool project! Glad you got to work on it while you did, and just know that the presentation helped me a year+ later
hey Mark!