DevLearn DemoFest Submissions Due 9/17!

Hello, everyone!

I just received some more information from the Learning Guild about DemoFest and thought it would be of interest here.

In particular: Each presenter is going to have more individual space and will be presenting on a large screen so that attendees can see without crowding around a table like in previous years.

Also, remember that you can submit in three categories:

  • Vendor
  • Non-vendor
  • Personal practice project — I’m not sure if this is a new category, but it’s news to me!

Check the FAQs and submit by 9/17!

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oh that’s rather lovely! thanks for sharing Judy!

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My pleasure!

And in case I even need to say it, if someone is thinking about doing a demofest project and using PeBL Pro, don’t hesitate to hit me up with questions or just schedule some time with me to brainstorm solutions and approaches.

Actually, I do this for people all the time even when it’s not demofest, so feel free!

Just get on my calendar: Judy Katz - 60 Minute Meeting | TidyCal


I submitted a PeBL project for Demofest!

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Holding thumbs for you!